Managing Labs Operation: Strategic Level and Daily Operation

The following chart outlines the 3 major steps in managing QC laboratories:


Do I Have Sufficient Resources? Using Smart-QC, we can determine if we have sufficient number of analysts, at the right locations (labs) with the right training. Also if we can check if we have adequate number of instruments to support a given forecast. In case that there are issues / gaps, Smart-QC can be leveraged to run “What-if” analysis to determine what Additional Resources maybe be needed, Shift Structure, Analyst Allocation (internal / External), Cross Training, Special Project that could be reschedules, Campaign Optimization etc. Once a detailed plan is established, the lab team will focus on execution.


Execution: As a routine operation, once the samples arrive, Smart-QC will support the managers and supervisors in allocating the various tests required to release the samples to various analysts, based on work-load, due date, critical path, training, and other configured parameters.


Monitoring: This step is aimed at identifying trends, short-falls, and opportunities for improvement as part of the management review. Smart-QC provides a robust reporting tool to help manage the daily, weekly, monthly and longer term planning and trending as part of the DMAIC CONTROL step.